Sunday, September 6, 2009

Does Your Cat Have a Mustache?

Well, it’s been two weeks since my last post. My most humblest apologies to all of my readers…all five of you. But this week I bring to you a fun, funky modern indie rock song that is sure to have your brain a’bubblin!

This week’s song is called “Does Your Cat Have a Mustache” by The Format.

Here is some information on the band from Wikipedia: “The Format was an indie pop band formed by Arizona natives Nate Ruess and Sam Means [2001]. The band announced a hiatus on February 4, 2008. Their style can be considered a mixture of indie, alternative, punk and folk music, with elements of 1960s and 1970s pop music. … The Format chose their name to make fun of the music industry's inclination towards a cookie-cutter ‘format’ for a hit.” You can find more information at or The chosen song is from their 2007 album “B-Sides and Rarities.”

I have no history on the meaning of this song, so this will be fun! No right or wrong answer or interpretation (not that there ever is). It’s just a fun, quirky song that you like more with every play.

So as you read the words below, keep your mind open and free. It may sound like nonsense to you. Or it might be confusing. Or maybe it’s trying to tell a story. I don’t know, you tell me!

Does Your Cat Have a Mustache by The Format

I want it all.
Even the raindrops won't fall in my way.
I'm parting the seas.
I'm setting the standard for living a dream
By staying awake
And counting the days.
I'm falling in love by the side of the road.

Mrs. Math do you always count to thirteen?
Holding sunsets
Voting on pieces of string?
Wishy-wash, tabletop, one, two, three.
Does your cat have a mustache?
Does it remind you of me?

I want it all.
Even for me the autumn leaves stay green.
And all of the clams that is holding your hand
Could never, ever take the place all like me.
But now forget the time.
It's a crime
That the pearl of a girl
Has been waiting to be set free...

Mrs. Math do you always count to thirteen?
Holding sunsets
Voting on pieces of string?
Wishy-wash, tabletop, one, two, three.
Well, does your cat have a mustache?
Does it remind you of your cat with a mustache?
Does it remind you of...

The ships that sail towards the west
The largest guard the treasure chest.
The water never harms the mast.
It's the clouds that fool the sun to set.

Cover your eyes.
Try and walk a straight line.
I dare you, the darkness is robbing us blind.
And although I can't see your heart
I can still hear it beat from your breast.
It's like a lighthouse.
It's like a lighthouse.

I'm gonna find you.
I'm gonna find you.
I'm gonna find you.
I'm gonna find you.

*Lyrics provided by

What do you think this song is saying? Does it NEED to say anything? Do you like songs like this that don’t seem to necessarily go anywhere, or do they just annoy you? Did you like the song? Does your brain hurt?

This week’s challenge: Do something JUST for the fun of it! Cook marshmallows over your stove top. Ask to walk a friend’s dog for no reason. Write a silly song or poem of your own. Just find a way to get creative and enjoy the silliness and spontaneity in life!

To hear the song (and trust me you do), click on the YouTube link below:


The Artistic Mercenary™ said...

OK, the first time I listened to this song I didn't really dig it. The second time, I thought there were parts that were kind of catchy. The third time, I started to really like it, and by the fourth listen I'd fallen in love with this song!

Of course there's nothing wrong with a song that's just fun, some should just make you feel good. Besides when you take into account the origin of the band's name you start to gain an understanding of their motives. The song does have a point—it's a feel-good song, but not just a feel-good song—but the point is not plainly stated.

Some of the lyrics are just creative bran droppings—a poet trying to find new ways of saying something. But overall the song is about love, I think. He hasn't found it (though he's come close) but he knows it's there, and the lack of it in his life isn't going to get him down. I like it because most pop songs are really dreary and whiny songs about looking for love. Really, they're just annoying. But that's the format isn't it? People say "Why not me?" and look for songs that reflect that.

Well, The Format does it different. They produced a somewhat non-sensical, fun, upbeat and catchy song about being positive, knowing your worth and looking for love. Another song of theirs is "Inches and Falling" and in it they state: "I love love/I love being in love/I don't care what it does to me." That's the way more people should look at it, rather than as a hassle or a negative.

One final note on the lryics: Just because they appear non-sensical doesn't mean they are. It just means you have to dig a little deeper to uncover their meaning. A lot of great bands have written songs like that (The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Nirvana). Just because the message is clear, doesn't mean they can't make us work a bit to get it.

Great song, I hadn't heard it before so thanks for introducing me to something new! And I definitely encourage people to spend some time with this song, it's worth it.

OK, now I'm going to go cook marshmallows on my stove!

Anonymous said...

see... i love this song, and i enjoy reading other people's ideas of what it means. to me, it says he has lost love, in the past, that he wants to get over. "Does your cat have a mustache?
Does it remind you of me?" to me says ' does everything you do remind you of me?'

"And all of the clams that is holding your hand
Could never, ever take the place all like me" is for his old love, maybe he was left heart-broken, but he knows that she will regret leaving him, and he probably wont want to go back, but i dont know.

i also think he is trying to find his true love "And although I can't see your heart
I can still hear it beat from your breast
It's like a lighthouse" her 'heartbeat' is beckoning to him, and he will find her.

whatever meaning YOU get from this, it is catchy and easy to love. <3